Internet Technologies:hrf

HTMLTableRowElement() Professional

Super class


Class function


Reflected HTML tag

<tr>  </tr> 


:new( [<oParent>]        , ; 
[<cHTMLTag>]       , ; 
[<cHTMLAttributes>], ; 
[<cHTMLContent>]     ) --> oHTMLTableRowElement 

Instance variables reflecting tag attributes

:align               | Character 
:bgColor             | Character 
:cells               | Array    
:ch                  | Character 
:chOff               | Character 
:rowIndex            | Numeric  
:Section             | oHTMLTableSectionElement  READONLY 
:sectionRowIndex     | Numeric  
:Table               | oHTMLTableElement         READONLY 
:vAlign              | Character 


:deleteCell( <nCellPos> ) --> oHTMLTableCellElement | NIL 

Removes the object stored at the position <nCellPos> in the :cellsarray. The removed object is returned.

:insertCell( [<nCellPos>]       , ; 
[<cHTMLAttributes>], ; 
[<cHTMLContent>]     ) --> oHTMLTableCellElement 

Inserts a HTMLTableCellElement object in the :cells array and returns the new object. If no insert position <nCellPos> is specified, the object is added to the end of :cells.


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