Internet Technologies:hrf

HTMLSelectElement() Professional

Super class


Class function


Reflected HTML tag

<select>  </select> 


:new( [<oParent>]        , ; 
[<cHTMLTag>]       , ; 
[<cHTMLAttributes>], ; 
[<cHTMLContent>]     ) --> oHTMLSelectElement 

Instance variables reflecting tag attributes

:disabled          | Logical         
:form              | oHTMLFormElement   READONLY 
:length            | Numeric            READONLY 
:multiple          | Logical         
:name              | Character       
:options           | Array              READONLY 
:selectedIndex     | Numeric         
:size              | Numeric         
:tabIndex          | Numeric         
:type              | Character          READONLY 
:value             | Character       


:add( [<oHTMLOptionElement>], [<noInsertPos>] ) --> oHTMLOptionElement 

Inserts a HTMLOptionElement in the :options array. If no parameter is passed, a new HTMLOptionElement is created and added to the end of the array. The insert position can either be specified as the numeric ordinal or by passing an object already existing in :options. The inserted object is returned.

:remove( <nOrdinal>|<oHTMLOptionElement> ) --> oHTMLOptionElement | NIL 

Removes a HTMLOptionElement object from the :options array. Either the numeric ordinal or the object to be removed must be specified. The removed object is returned.


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