Internet Technologies:hrf

HTMLDocument() Professional

Super class


Class function



:new( [<oParent>]        , ; 
[<cHTMLTag>]       , ; 
[<cHTMLAttributes>], ; 
[<cHTMLContent>]     ) --> oHTMLDocument 

Class methods

:loadFile( <cHTMLFileName> ) --> oHTMLDocument | NIL 

Reads a HTML file from disk and returns a HTMLDocument object reflecting the file. The object contains other HRF objects in its :childList()array reflecting the HTML tags in the HTML file.

Instance variables reflecting tag attributes

:anchors      | Array          READONLY 
:applets      | Array          READONLY 
:body         | oHTMLElement 
:cookie       | Character   
:domain       | Character      READONLY 
:forms        | Array          READONLY 
:images       | Array          READONLY 
:links        | Array          READONLY 
:referrer     | Character      READONLY 
:title        | Character   
:URL          | Character      READONLY 


:getElement( <cID>|<cName> ) --> oHTML | NIL 

The method accepts a string and scans the child-lists recursively for a child object with a matching "ID=" or "NAME=" attribute value. Either NIL or the first found object is returned.

:getElementById( <cID> ) --> oHTML | NIL 

The method accepts a string and scans the child-lists recursively for a child object with a matching "ID=" attribute value. Either NIL or the first found object is returned.

:getElementByName( <cName> ) --> oHTML | NIL 

The method accepts a string and scans the child-lists recursively for a child object with a matching "NAME=" attribute value. Either NIL or the found object is returned.

:getElementsByClassName( <cClass> ) --> aArray 

The method accepts a string and scans the child-lists recursively for all child objects with a matching value in the "CLASS=" attribute. All found objects are referenced in the array returned.

:getElementsByName( <cName> ) --> aArray 

The method accepts a string and scans the child-lists recursively for all child objects with a matching "NAME=" attribute value. All found objects are referenced in the array returned.

:saveFile( <cHTMLFileName>, [<nIndent>], [<cLineBreak>] ) --> lSuccess 

Stores the HTML code reflected by the object and its child objects in the file <cHTMLFileName>. The HTML code is formatted according to the passed parameters. <nIndent> is a numeric value specifying the number of spaces to be used as indentation for each nested level of child-list arrays (defaults to 1 space per level), and <cLineBreak>defines the character(s) to be used as line-end markers (defaults to Chr(13)+Chr(10)).


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