Group Application Parts
Creates an Application Part to browse databases If a numeric value is used for <size1> and/or <size2> in conjunction with the key word PERCENT, the values are interpreted as percentage of the parent window's height and/or width.
APPBROWSE [ INTO <oAppBrowse> ] [ FIELDS <cFieldNames,...> ] [ PARENT <oParent> ] [ POSITION <pos1> [, <pos2>] ] [ SIZE <size1> [, <size2>] [ PERCENT ] ] [ TITLE <cTitle> ] [ COLOR <nForeGround1> [, <nBackGround1> ] ] [ FONT <cFontCompoundName> ] [ HILITE <nForeGround2> [, <nBackGround2> ] ] [ STYLE PLAIN | 3D | FANCY | <nStyle> ] [ ALIAS <cAlias> ] [ FOR <lForCondition> ]
Displays an Application Part and activates it.
Creates an Application Part to edit databases If a numeric value is used for <size1> and/or <size2> in conjunction with the key word PERCENT, the values are interpreted as percentage of the parent window's height and/or width.
APPEDIT [INTO <oAppEdit>] [ FIELDS <cFieldName,...> ] [ PARENT <oParent> ] [ POSITION <pos1> [, <pos2>] ] [ SIZE <size1> [, <size2>] [PERCENT] ] [ TITLE <cTitle> ] [ COLOR <nForeGround> [, <nBackGround>] ] [ FONT <cFontCompoundName> ] [ HEADING <headingOptions> ] [ CAPTION <captionOptions> ] [ NOACTION <nSuppress> ] [ STYLE PLAIN | 3D | FANCY | <nStyle> ] [ BITMAP <nBitmapID> [ FIT ] ] [ ALIAS <cAlias> ] [ FOR <lForCondition> ] [ WHILE <lWhileCondition> ] [ SEEK <exprSeek> ] [ TRIGGER <deleteFunc> [ON] DELETE ] [ TRIGGER <insertFunc> [ON] INSERT ] [ TRIGGER <updateFunc> [ON] UPDATE ]
Specifies a database field to be displayed in an Application Part.
APPFIELD <cFieldName> | <memvar> := <expression> [ INTO <oApp> ] [ TYPE <cType> ] [ LEN <nLen> ] [ DEC <nDec> ] [ FONT <cFontCompoundName> ] [ COLOR <nForeGround1> [, <nBackGround1>] ] [ HILITE <nForeGround2> [, <nBackGround2>] ] [ ALIGN LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT ] [ WIDTH <nWidth> ] [ READONLY ] [ HEADING | CAPTION <cHeading> [ FONT <cFontCompoundName> ] [ COLOR <nForeGround> [, <nBackGround>] ] [ ALIGN LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT> ] ] [ FOOTING | COMMENT <cFooting> [ FONT <cFontCompoundName> ] [ COLOR <nForeGround> [, <nBackGround>] ] [ ALIGN LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT ]