Function Var2Bin() Foundation
Converts any value to a binary character string.
Var2Bin( <xValue> ) --> cBinaryString
The return value is a character string which contains the binary representation of the passed argument.
The function Var2Bin() converts values of all data types to a character string. This includes arrays and code blocks. The return value can be transformed back to the original value when the string is passed to the function Bin2Var(). This allows, for example, the exchange of data between different processes using inter-process communication (IPC). Using IPC, it is possible to send code blocks from work station A to B. As a result, one work station can delegate computing to other work stations (distributed applications).
Conversion of complex data types
If values of data type array, code block or object are passed to Var2Bin() and the returned string is converted back using Bin2Var(), a new reference is created with the same contents as the original value. For example, if two variables containing the same array reference are passed to Var2Bin(), the return values are identical. When the two binary strings are converted back to an array, two different array references are created but the arrays have the same contents.
Conversion of objects
In case of objects, the function Var2Bin() accepts only instances of a class, not the class object itself. It should also be noted that objects may have instance variables whose contents is not persistent (especially XbaseParts).
// The example shows how to convert values using Var2Bin() and
// Bin2Var(). The implications of converting arrays are outlined.
LOCAL xValue1, xValue2
xValue1 := xValue2 := Directory()
* Variables contain the same array reference
? xValue1 == xValue2 // result: .T.
xValue1 := Var2Bin( xValue1 )
xValue2 := Var2Bin( xValue2 )
* Binary data is identical
? xValue1 == xValue2 // result: .T.
xValue1 := Bin2Var( xValue1 )
xValue2 := Bin2Var( xValue2 )
* Variables contain two different array references
? xValue1 == xValue2 // result: .F.
* The contents of the arrays are identical
? ACompare( xValue1, xValue2 ) // result: .T.
FUNCTION ACompare( aArray1, aArray2 )
LOCAL nElements := Len(aArray1) // Number of elements
LOCAL lEqual := (nElements == Len(aArray2))
LOCAL nCount := 0
DO WHILE lEqual .AND. ++nCount <= nElements
cType := Valtype( aArray1[nCount] ) // Get data type
lEqual:= (cType == Valtype( aArray2[nCount] ))
IF lEqual
IF cType == "A" // Compare subarrays
lEqual := ACompare(aArray1[nCount], aArray2[nCount])
lEqual := (aArray1[nCount] == aArray2[nCount])
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