Function ShellLinkCreate() Foundation

Create a Shell link object.

ShellLinkCreate( <cLinkTarget>, <cLinkFile>, [<cWorkingDir>],;
                 [<cCmdArgs>],  [<cDescr>] ) --> <lSuccess>
A character string with the target of the new link object. A link target can be a file or folder. <cLinkTarget> must include a fully-qualified path.
A character string with the file name of the link object. If the file is not to reside in the current directory, <cLinkFile> must include a fully-qualified path.
A character string with the working directory for the link object. The parameter is optional unless the link target requires a working directory.
An optional character string with the command line arguments for the link object. The <cCmdArgs> parameter is useful when creating a link to an application that takes special arguments.
An optional character string with the description of the new link object.

ShellLinkCreate() returns a logical value that indicates whether the link could be created. In this case, the value .T. (true) is returned. In case of an error, return is .F. (false).


The function ShellLinkCreate() can be used by an Xbase++ application to create a Shell link object. A link object points to another file or folder and can be placed independently of its target object. Links are frequently used to allow quick access to files or folders.

Creating and resolving a Shell link object

 LOCAL bFileExists := .F. 
 LOCAL nFile 

  // Create a dummy file to serve as the target 
  // for the link about to be created 
  IF File("samplelink.lnk") == .T. 
     Alert( "Cant't run sample - a link of the same name already exists!" ) 

  IF File("samplefile.txt") == .F. 
     nFile := FCreate( "samplefile.txt" ) 
     FClose( nFile ) 
     bFileExists := .T. 

  // Create a Shell link to the dummy file, 
  // specify a dummy string as the link 
  // object's description 
  ShellLinkCreate( CurDirectory() + "\" + "samplefile.txt", ; 
                   "Test Description" ) 

  WAIT "Link created. Press a key to resolve it." 

  // Resolve the link just created 
  ? "Link target is: " + ShellLinkResolve( "samplelink.lnk" ) 


  // Clean up 
  FErase( "samplelink.lnk" ) 
  IF bFileExists == .F. 
     FErase( "samplefile.txt" ) 


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