Function SetCancel() Foundation
Sets or returns whether the program can be terminated using Alt+C or Ctrl+Break.
SetCancel( [<lToggle>] ) --> lOldSetCancel
When SetCancel() is called without an argument, the function returns the current setting as a logical value. If <lToggle> is specified, the new setting specified by <lToggle> is set, and the value of the old setting is returned.
The environment function SetCancel() sets or removes the key combination Alt+C as a method to terminate a program. In the production version of applications, the Alt+C key combination should generally be disabled as a method to terminate the application, in order to force the user to leave the application by normal means.
// The example shows a typical use of SetCancel(). When the
// #define constant DEBUG is set, the program can be terminated
// with Alt+C. When the constant is not defined (as is done for
// the final production version), the program can no longer be
// terminated with Alt+C.
#include ""
LOCAL nKey := 0
#ifndef DEBUG // no debug version
SetCancel(.F.) // turn off Alt+C
nKey := Inkey(0)
? "The inkey code of the last key is:", nKey
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