Function MlCount() Foundation

Determines the number of lines in a character string or memo field.

MlCount( <cString>  , ;
        [<nLineLen>], ;
        [<nTabSize>], ;
        [<lWrap>]     ) --> nLineCount
<cString> is a character string expression or memo field whose line count is returned.
<nLineLen> is an integer numeric value specifying the maximum length of a line in <cString>. The default is 79 characters per line.
<nTabSize> indicates the tab size. The default value is 4 characters per tab. The tab size can be a maximum value of <nLineLen> - 1.
The logical value <lWrap> specifies whether automatic word wrap is taken into consideration. The default value is .T. (true) which indicates that automatic word wrap should be taken into consideration. When the value .F. (false) is specified, word wrap is not taken into consideration.

MlCount() returns the total number of lines in <cString> as an integer. The number of lines depends on the formatting specified by the line length <nLineLen>, tab size <nTabSize>, and word wrap <lWrap> arguments.


The memo function MlCount() determines the number of lines in a formatted character string based on the number of characters per line. It is often used with the function MemoLine() to extract text line by line.

If automatic word wrap is taken into consideration (.T. is passed for <lWrap>), the last word in a line is wrapped to the next line if it does not fit completely on the current line. When <lWrap> contains the value .F., lines are defined by the presence of a hard return (Chr(13)+Chr(10)).

// In the example, the number of printed pages required 
// to print all entries for the memo field "Memo" is 
// determined. 

   LOCAL nLineLen := 60 
   LOCAL nEntries := 0 , nTotal := 0 

   USE Address NEW 

   DO WHILE .NOT. Eof() 
      IF ! Empty( Address->Memo ) 
         nEntries ++ 
         nTotal   += MlCount( Address->Memo, nLineLen ) 

   ? "Total memos:", nEntries 
   ? "Print pages:", Int( nTotal / 63 ) 


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