Function IsFunction() Foundation

Checks if a symbolic name indicates the name of a function or procedure

IsFunction( <cFuncName>, [<nType>] ) --> lExist
<cFuncName> is a character string containing the symbolic identifier of a function or procedure. The string must not contain parentheses.
The #define constant FUNC_CLASS from MEMVAR.CH can be specified for <nType>. In this case, IsFunction() checks if <cFuncName>indicates a class function.

IsFunction() returns .T. (true) if a function or procedure with the name <cFuncName> exists, otherwise it returns .F. (false).


The function IsFunction() checks if a function or procedure exists at runtime. IsFunction() differs from the function Type() by searching for a symbolic name in the symbol table, while Type() returns the data type of a macro-compiled character expression.

If functions are contained in dynamically loaded DLL files and the DLL is loaded with a function prefix specified to DllLoad(), the parameter <cFuncName> must contain this prefix when testing the existence of DLL functions.

Test if a function exists

// The example demonstrates the difference between 
// IsFunction() and Type(). 

   LOCAL cSymbol := "Date", cExpression := "Date()" 

   ? IsFunction( cSymbol )           // result: .T. 
   ? Type( cExpression )             // result: D 

   cSymbol     := "AAdd" 
   cExpression := "AAdd()" 

   ? IsFunction( cSymbol )           // result: .T. 
   ? Type( cExpression )             // result: UE, syntax error 


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