Function FAttr() Foundation

Retrieves or modifies file attributes.

FAttr( <cFileName>, [<cAttribute>] ) --> cFileAttributes
<cFilename> is a character string containing the name of a file including the drive and path if necessary.
<cAttribute> is a character string describing the attributes to be set for a file. To specify the file attributes, the passed string must contain one or more of the characters listed for the return value. The character "D", however, cannot be used for <cAttribute>.
To remove a file attribute, the corresponding character must be prefixed with a minus sign.

The function returns a string containing the attributes set for a file. Each character in the returned string represents one file attribute according to the following table.

File attributes
Attribute Meaning Description
D Directory File is a directory
H Hidden Hidden file
S System File is part of the operating system
R Read-only File cannot be overwritten
A Archive File will be included in backups
N Normal *) File has no other attibutes
C Compressed *) File is stored compressed
  1. applies to Windows platforms only


The function can be used to retrieve the current attributes of a file or to modify these.

Setting file attributes
// The example demonstrates how to set and remove 
// file attributes 

#include "" 

   LOCAL aDir := Directory( "*.*" ) 

   // Setting file attributes 
   AEval( aDir, {|a| FAttr( a[F_NAME], "R" ) } ) 

   WAIT "Read-only attribute set" 

   AEval( aDir, {|a| FAttr( a[F_NAME], "+H" ) } ) 

   WAIT "Hidden attribute set" 

   // Removing file attributes 
   AEval( aDir, {|a| FAttr( a[F_NAME], "-R-H" ) } ) 

   WAIT "Attributes removed" 

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