Function ConfirmBox() Foundation
Displays text in a graphic box and accepts user input via pushbuttons.
ConfirmBox( [<oOwner>], <cMessage>, [<cTitle>], ;
[<nButtons>],[<nStyle>],[<nStartBtn>] ) --> nAction
Constant | Text for pushbuttons |
XBPMB_OKCANCEL *) | Ok and Cancel |
XBPMB_RETRYCANCEL | Retry and Cancel |
XBPMB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | Cancel, Retry and Ignore |
XBPMB_YESNO | Yes and No |
XBPMB_YESNOCANCEL | Yes, No and Cancel |
XBPMB_ENTERCANCEL | Enter and Cancel |
Constant | Text for pushbuttons |
XBPMB_OKCANCEL *) | Ok and Cancel |
XBPMB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | Abort, Retry and Ignore |
XBPMB_RETRYCANCEL | Retry and Cancel |
XBPMB_YESNO | Yes and No |
XBPMB_YESNOCANCEL | Yes, No and Cancel |
Constant | Icon |
XBPMB_NOICON *) | No icon |
XBPMB_QUESTION | Question mark |
XBPMB_CRITICAL | Critical situation |
Constant | Description |
XBPMB_APPMODAL | Confirm box is modal in relation to the Xbase++ application |
XBPMB_SYSMODAL | Confirm box is modal system wide |
XBPMB_MOVEABLE | Confirm box can be moved |
Constant | Pushbutton |
XBPMB_DEFBUTTON1 *) | First pushbutton has input focus |
XBPMB_DEFBUTTON2 | Second pushbutton has input focus |
XBPMB_DEFBUTTON3 | Third pushbutton has input focus |
The return value of ConfirmBox() is a numeric code identifying which pushbutton was pressed. Constants can be used to identify the possible return values:
Constant | Description |
XBPMB_RET_OK | "Ok" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_CANCEL | "Cancel" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_ABORT | "Abort" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_RETRY | "Retry" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_IGNORE | "Ignore" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_YES | "Yes" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_NO | "No" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_ENTER | "Enter" pushbutton pressed |
XBPMB_RET_ERROR | Confirm box could not be displayed |
The function ConfirmBox() allows text to be displayed in a simple, graphic dialog window and confirmation to be input by the user. This function provides only a limited number of available pushbuttons for input from the user. In most cases, these are sufficient for the user to make a decision or for the program to receive confirmation from the user.
The dialog window's size is determined by the operating system and can not be defined explicitly. If a very long text is to be displayed, this should be done using Xbase Parts (like XbpStatic or XbpMLE).
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