Function Char2Hash() Foundation
Convert a character string to a hash value
Char2Hash( <cString> [, <nBitLen>] ) --> cHash
The hash value of the parameter <cString>. cHash is a character string representing a hexadecimal number.
The Char2Hash() function implements a cryptographic hash function. A cryptographic hash function is a special class of hash function which makes it suitable for use in cryptography. It is an algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a bit string of a fixed size (the hash value), and is designed to be a one-way function. The only way to recreate the input data from a cryptographic hash function's output is to attempt a brute-force search of possible inputs to see if they produce a match.
Hash algorithms are designed to have a low collision rate. This means that two similar input parameters produce two completely different results:
Char2Hash( "Xbase++" ) == "A1F3898DAAA63E865A1BBA863A41958B46FB73C0"
Char2Hash( "XBase++" ) == "7BA498BD8584E8D53D314040127043BCA764FFE7"
Depending on the optional parameter <nBitLen>, Char2Hash() selects a hash algorithm according to the following table. The length of the return value cHash depends on the selected algorithm.
Algorithm | nBitLen | Length of cHash |
MD5 | 128 | 32 |
SHA1 | 160 | 40 |
SHA2-256 | 256 | 64 |
SHA3-512 | 512 | 128 |
Note that the bit length of the resulting hash value implicitly indicates the level of security. A greater bit length implies a higher effort required in a brute-force attack.
// This example asks for a password and compares its hash
// with the hash of the expected password.
LOCAL cSecret, cHash
// Ask for the password
cSecret := Space( 10 )
@ 1, 1 SAY "Enter secret:" GET cSecret
// Compare password with the hash of "Xbase++"
cHash := "A1F3898DAAA63E865A1BBA863A41958B46FB73C0"
IF Char2Hash( AllTrim(cSecret) ) == cHash
@ 2, 1 SAY "Welcome, you are a member of the club!"
@ 2, 1 SAY "Sorry, you are not a club member!"
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