Function Browse() Foundation

Displays data records from a work area in a window.

Browse( [<nTop>], [<nLeft>], [<nBottom>], [<nRight>] ) --> lSuccess
<nTop> is an integer numeric value which determines the upper screen row for the Browse() window. The four arguments <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nBottom> and <nRight> determine the screen coordinates for the window. If no coordinates are given, Browse() displays the window from row position 0 to MaxRow() and column positions from 0 to MaxCol().
<nLeft> is an integer numeric value which determines the left screen column for the Browse() window. The default value is zero.
<nBottom> is an integer numeric value which determines the bottom row for the window. The default value is MaxRow().
<nRight> is an integer numeric value which determines the right screen column for the Browse() window. The default value is MaxCol().

The return value of Browse() is .T. (true) if a file is open in the indicated work area, otherwise it is .F. (false).


The function Browse() is purely a compatibility function which makes a DBF file browser and editor available. Instead of Browse() the capabilities of a TBrowse object should be utilized (see function TBrowseNew() or TBrowseDb()).

The dialog function Browse() provides a mechanism to display and edit DBF files. When the function is used without the alias operator it displays the data in the current work area. All fields of a DBF file are displayed. Pressing the return key switches to editing mode and the current field can be edited. The function Browse() is terminated with the Esc key. If a user is at the last data record and attempts to move to the next data record, Browse() automatically appends a new data record into the file.

Cursor navigation is performed with the same keys as DbEdit() (see DbEdit()). Browse() displays a status line with the current record number, the deleted status of the record, whether at the beginning of the file and whether a new data record has just been added.

// The example shows the use of Browse() 

   USE Customer NEW 
   Browse( 2, 2, 22, 78 ) 
   CLOSE Customer 

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