Function ADir() Foundation

Fills a set of arrays with information about a directory.

ADir( [<cFileSpec>], ;
      [<aFileName>], ;
      [<aFileSize>], ;
      [<aFileDate>], ;
      [<aFileTime>], ;
      [<aFileAttr>]  ) --> nFileCount
<cFileSpec> is a character string specifying the drive, path and file from which file information is read into an array. A file mask can be defined by using "wildcards" (* or ?) as part of the file name. If no <cFileSpec> is specified, "*" is used (default for the HPFS file system), and all file information in the current path is read. If the Xbase++ program is running on a FAT file system and all files in the current path are to be listed, then "*.*" must be specified as the file.
<aFileName> is an array into which the names of the files in the directory are placed. Each element of <aFileName> contains a character string.
<aFileSize> is an array into which the size of the files are placed. Each element of <aFileSize> contains a numeric value.
<aFileDate> is an array into which the date of the files are placed. Each element of <aFileDate> contains a date value.
<aFileTime> is an array into which the time of the files are placed. Each element of <aFileTime> contains a character string with the country specific time format defined in the system settings.
<aFileAttr> is an array into which the attributes of the files are placed. Each element of <aFileAttr> contains one ore more of the following letters: "D","A","R","S","H". If <aFileAttr>is specified hidden files and system files may be detected.

The return value of ADir() is a positive integer corresponding to the number of files which where found matching <cFileSpec>.


The function ADir() exists only for compatibility reasons. Instead of ADir(), the function Directory() should be used. Directory() returns the file information in a two dimensional array.

The environment function ADir() places information about the files of an directory file into a set of arrays. First only <cFileSpec>is passed to the function in order to determine the number of matching files. This number is used to dimension the set of arrays to be filled in a second call to ADir().

// The example generates an array, fills it with names of 
// DBF files located in a specific sub-directory and then displays 
// the information. 

   LOCAL aFileNames, nCount 

   nCount     := ADir( "\xpp\samples\data\misc\*.dbf" ) 
   aFileNames := Array( nCount ) 

   ADir( "\xpp\samples\data\misc\*.DBF", aFileNames ) 

   AEval( aFileNames, { |cFileName| QOut(cFileName)} ) 



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