Function AAdd() Foundation
Enlarges an array by one element.
AAdd( <aArray>, <Expression>, [<nElement>] ) --> xValue
The return value of AAdd() is the value of <Expression>.
The array function AAdd() adds one element to an existing array. The new element is the last element in the array or the element at the position <nElement>. The new element has the value associated with <Expression>. The length of the array is not limited in Xbase++.
AAdd() is used to manage dynamic lists. The function ASize() has a similar purpose, allowing the size of any array to be set. The advantage of AAdd() is that the value <Expression> is also assigned to the new element.
When the value of <Expression> is an array, the new element in <aArray> contains a reference to the array specified in <Expression>. <aArray> then becomes a multi-dimensional array.
// The example demonstrates the use of AAdd() with various
// data types. In the first series, elements are added at the end
// of the array, in the second elements are inserted into the
// array.
LOCAL aArray := {} // aArray is an empty array
AAdd( aArray, .T.) // aArray is {.T.}
AAdd( aArray, "A") // aArray is {.T., "A"}
AAdd( aArray, Asc("A") ) // aArray is {.T., "A", 65}
AAdd( aArray, NIL ) // aArray is {.T., "A", 65, NIL}
AAdd( aArray, {"NAME","C",20,0} )
// aArray is
// {.T., "A", 65, NIL, {"NAME","C",20,0} }
aArray := {}
AAdd( aArray, .T.) // aArray is {.T.}
AAdd( aArray, "A",1 ) // aArray is {"A",.T.}
AAdd( aArray, Asc("A"), 2 ) // aArray is {"A", 65,.T.}
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