Function XMLGetTag() Professional

Get members of an XML tag node.

XMLGetTag( <nTagHandle>, @<aTagMember> ) --> lSuccess
Numeric handle of an XML tag.
If the function returns successfully, this parameter contains an array with all members of the tag. The parameter must be passed by reference. Single elements of the array can be accessed using #define constants listed in ASXML.CH
Constants used for the aTagMember array.
Constant Description
XMLTAG_NAME Name of the tag as character string.
XMLTAG_CONTENT Content of XML tag as character string.
XMLTAG_CHILD One-dimensional array containing numeric child tag handles or NIL if no child tags are present.
XMLTAG_ACTION Action codeblock bound to tag.
XMLTAG_ATTRIB Two-column array holding the names and values of tag attributes or NIL if there are no attributes.

Returns .T. (true) if the tag is a valid tag and .F. (false) otherwise. If the function returns .F., more information can be obtained by calling XMLDocGetErrorList().


This function is used to retrieve all members of an XML tag node.


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