Function TokenInit() Foundation
Prepares a string for the incremental tokenizer.
TokenInit( [<@cString>] , ;
[<cDelimiter>], ;
[<nSkipStep>] ; // Default: 0
) --> lSuccess
Returns .T. if the string could be initialized for the tokenizer otherwise .F.
<cDelimiter> is a string containing token delimiters. It defaults to a string with the following characters:
CHR() - 0, 9, 10, 13, 26, 32, 138, 141
plus - ,.;:!?/\<>()#&%+-*
All parts of a string which are separated by a character of <cDelimiter> are recognized as token. If two delimiters are adjacent to each other the token is empty (a null string).
<nSkipStep> defines after how many characters TokenNext() returns even if a token is empty.
The parameter <cString> must be passed by reference. It is prepared for the tokenizer by exchanging all possible delimiting characters with the first character of <cDelimiter>. This enhances performance considerably. If <cString> is needed after tokenizing is complete a copy of it should be passed to TokenInit(). The function alters <cString>.
Calling TokenInit() without a parameter resets the tokenizer to the beginning of <cString>.
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