Function PrintStat() Foundation
Determines the status of a parallel port.
PrintStat( [<nLPTport>] ; // Default: 1
) --> nPrinterState
Returns the status of a printer as a numeric value. The bits set in the return value can be queried using IsBit(). #define constants for the bits are found in XBTPRINT.CH
Bits | Constant | Description |
Bit 1 set | PST_TIME_OUT | Timeout error |
Bit 2 set | unused | |
Bit 3 set | unused | |
Bit 4 set | PST_TRANSFER | I/O error |
Bit 5 set | PST_ONLINE | Printer online |
Bit 6 set | PST_PAPER | Printer out of paper |
Bit 7 set | PST_ACKNOWLEDGE | Acknowledge from printer |
Bit 8 set | PST_NOT_BUSY | Printer not busy |
This is a number between 1 and 9 specifying the LPT port (OS/2), or the printer number in the range beween 1 and NumPrinter() (Windows). It defaults to 1 (LPT1).
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