Function NnetPurge() Foundation
Removes files marked for deletion from a server volume.
NnetPurge( <cServer|cFile> , ;
[<lAllMarkedFiles>] ; // Default: .F.
) --> lSuccess
Returns .T. in case of a successful operation.
The function removes files from a server volume which have been marked for deletion. Files which are removed cannot be recovered with NnetSalvag().
NetWare 2.x
Under 2.x the first parameter specifies the name of the server to remove files from. If <lAllMarkedFiles> is set .T. all files on all server volumes marked for deletion are removed. If it is omitted or .F. only the files of the current user are removed.
NetWare >3.x
Under NetWare >3.x the first parameter is a string containing the name of the file to remove. A full qualified file name (including path) can be given.
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