Function NnetPsAddQ() Foundation

Assigns a printer serviced by a print server to a queue.

NnetPsAddQ( <cPrintServerName>        , ;
            <nPrinterNumber>          , ;
            <cPrintQueueName>         , ;
            [<nPriority>]             , ;  // Default: 1
            [<cFileServer|nConnectID>]  ;  // Default: NnetSname()
          ) --> lSuccess

Returns .T. if the printer with number <nPrinterNumber> could be assigned to the print queue <cPrintQueueName>.


<nPrinterNumber> is a numeric value between 0 and 15 which indicates the printer connected to the print server (Up to 16 printers can be serviced by one print server).

For <nPriority> a value between 1-10 is valid, with 1 being the highest priority.


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