Function NnetMaxRgh() Foundation
Retrieves or changes maximum (2.x) or inherited (3.x) rights for a user.
NnetMaxRgh( [<cPath|cFile>] , ; // Default: Curdir()
[<nRights|cRights>] ; // Type: NC Default: NIL
) --> nRights
Returns the maximum rights (NetWare 2.x) or the inherited rights (NetWare >3.x) for a user as a numeric value. Use function IsBit() to detect which rights are granted (see tables below).
This parameter is a string which contains a path or a file name depending on the NetWare version. For NetWare 2.x only a path can be specified whereas NetWare >3.x allows to manage rights for single files.
A numeric value where the rights are coded by bits set or a string which contains characters of the following tables:
Bit set | Character | Granted rights |
1 | "R" ead | Read access |
2 | "W" rite | Write acces |
3 | "O" pen | Open file |
4 | "C" reate | Create file |
5 | "D" elete | Delete file |
6 | "P" arental | Create subdirectory |
7 | "S" earch | Search files in directory |
8 | "M" odify | Modify files and/or attributes |
Bit set | Character | Granted rights |
1 | "R" ead | Read access |
2 | "W" rite | Write acces |
3 | Reserved | |
4 | "C" reate | Create file |
5 | "E" rase | Erase file |
6 | "A" ccess | Trustee rights may be changed |
7 | "F" ile scan | Search files in directory |
8 | "M" odify | Modify files and/or attributes |
9 | "S" upervisor | All rights/may change rights |
To change multiple rights pass a string with concatenated characters of the above table(s).
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