Function NnetFiles() Foundation

Retrieves file information of a particular directory.

NnetFiles( <cDirectory>             , ;
           [<nAttribute|cAttribute>], ;  // Type: NC    Default: 0
           [<lIsNetware3x>]           ;  // Default: .F.
         ) --> aFiles

Returns a two dimensional array with information about files located in <cDirectory> or an empty array if no files are found. The number of elements in each subarray depends on the third parameter. #define constants from XBTNETW.CH are used to access the subarray elements:

Structure of the NnetFiles() Subarray
Element Constant Description
1 NF_NAME File name
2 NF_SIZE File size
3 NF_UPDDATE Date of last change
4 NF_UPDTIME Time of last change
5 NF_CREADATE Creation date
6 NF_ATTR File attributes
7 NF_EXTATTR Novell specific extended attributes
8 NF_OWNER Name of owner
9 *) NF_ARCDATE Date of last archive
10 *) NF_ARCTIME Time of last archive
11 *) NF_ARCHIVER Name of archiver
  1. = .T.



A string which contains the directory whose files are to be listed. It may contain a search mask including wildcard characters like "*" or "?" for the file specification.


By default this parameter is ignored. If <lIsNetware3x> is set .T. file attributes can be specified either as character or as numeric value. Only those files are listed in the returned array which match the specified attribute.

Values for <nAttribute|cAttribute>
Numeric Character Description
1 "R" Read only
2 "H" Hidden directories
4 "S" System directories
32 "A" Archived

To specify multiple attributes add the numeric values or concatenate the characters.


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