Function NnetCPass() Foundation

Changes the password of a bindery object.

NnetCPass( <cObjectName>             , ;
           [<nObjectType>]           , ;  // Default: OBJ_USER
           <cOldPassWord>            , ;
           <nNewPassWord>            , ;
           [<cFileServer|nConnectID>]  ;  // Default: NnetSname()
         ) --> lSuccess

Returns .T. if the password is successfully changed or .F. in case of a failure (refer to NnetError() when the operation fails).


The object must have a PASSWORD property before calling NnetCPass() (refer to NnetCrtPrp() if this property is missing).

Read/write access to the bindery object is required for a user to change the password. Normally <cOldPassword> must be given. However, if no password was defined or if a user has supervisory rights, a null string can be passed for <cOldPassword>.


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