Function NbNameStat() Foundation

Determines the status of a NetBIOS name.

NbNameStat( <nPosition>         , ;
            [<cWorkStationName>]  ;  // Default: local workstation
          ) --> nStatus

Returns a numeric value that indicates the status of the NetBIOS name at position <nPosition> of the name table or -1 in case of an error. Function IsBit() can be used to analyze the return value.


The following table shows the meaning of bits 1 to 3 set in the return value of NbNameStat()

Coding of Bits 1-3
Value Bits Description
0 000 Name is not registered yet
4 100 Name is registered
5 101 Name is deleted but sessions still exist
6 110 Duplicate name
7 111 Duplicate name about to be deleted


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