Function KbdStat() Foundation

Determines the state of special keys like Shift, Ctrl or Alt

KbdStat() --> nKeyState

The function returns always 0 under Windows 95.

The insert key is not supported under Windows NT. Scroll-Lock, Caps-Lock and Num-Lock are only detected when the corresponding keyboard mode is enabled.

The function returns a numeric value that indicates which special key is pressed at a time. #define constants to identify a key are found in XBTKBD.CH. If multiple keys are pressed at the same time the return value is a sum of these constants:

Return values of KbdStat()
Constant Description
KST_RIGHTSHIFT Right Shift key pressed
KST_LEFTSHIFT Left Shift key pressed
KST_CTRL Either Ctrl key pressed
KST_ALT Either Alt key pressed
KST_SCROLLOCK Scroll lock active
KST_NUMLOCK Num lock active
KST_CAPSLOCK Caps lock active
KST_INSERT Insert mode active
KST_LEFTCTRL Left Ctrl key pressed
KST_LEFTALT Left Alt key pressed
KST_RIGHTCTRL Right Ctrl key pressed
KST_RIGHTALT Right Alt key pressed
KST_SCROLL Scroll lock pressed
KST_NUM Num lock pressed
KST_CAPS Caps lock pressed
KST_SYSRQ SysRequest pressed


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