Function FileSeek() Foundation
Seeks files specified by a file mask and file attribute
FileSeek( [<cFileMask>] , ;
[<nFileAttributes>], ; // Default: FA_NORMAL
[<lExact>] ; // Default: .F.
) --> cFileName
Returns a filename matching the specified parameters or a null string ("") if no file is found.
This is a string specifying the file(s) to seek. It may contain a fully qualified filename or "wild cards" (eg: "C:\DATA\*.NTX" ). The parameter must be specified with the first call. Any subsequent calls to FileSeek() without passing parameters return the next filename which matches the initial parameters.
File attributes are numeric values corresponding to #define constants found in XBTDISK.CH
Multiple attributes are specified by adding the corresponding constants.
To get exact matches when searching for files with the attributes Normal, Achive, and Read Only this parameter must be set .T.
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