Function Cset????() Foundation
Sets or retrieves any ON | OFF setting
Cset????( [<lNewSetting>] ;
) --> lOldSetting
The function name Cset????() stands for a group of 19 functions which set or retrieve the corresponding SET ... ON | OFF setting. ???? are four letters which identify each function:
Function | SET command |
CsetAlte() | SET ALTERNATE |
CsetBell() | SET BELL |
CsetCent() | SET CENTURY |
CsetConf() | SET CONFIRM |
CsetCons() | SET CONSOLE |
CsetCurs() | SET CURSOR |
CsetDele() | SET DELETED |
CsetDevi() | SET DEVICE |
CsetEsca() | SET ESCAPE |
CsetExac() | SET EXACT |
CsetExcl() | SET EXCLUSIVE |
CsetFixe() | SET FIXED |
CsetInte() | SET INTENSITY |
CsetPrin() | SET PRINT |
CsetSoft() | SET SOFTSEEK |
CsetUniq() | SET UNIQUE |
CsetWrap() | SET WRAP |
Note that CsetCarr() is not supported which exists in CA-Tools III.
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