Function Com_SendMode() Foundation

Controls Write Timeout characteristics of the physical device driver.

Com_SendMode( <nComPortNum>, ;
              <nMode>      , ;
              [<nTimeout>]   ;  // Default: 100
            ) -->

Returns .T. if mode can be set successfully or .F. otherwise.


Com_SendMode() controls the Write Timeout processing characteristics of the physical device driver.

Two modes can be specified with <nMode> using #define constants from XBTCOMP.CH:


A write request will not return later than the period of time specified by <nTimeout> elapses, even if not all of the data could be send.

<nTimeOut> - timeout value in .01 second units (0 = .01 seconds!)


A write request is not completed until all of the data has been sent. <nTimeOut> will be ignored.

Default mode set when calling Com_Open() the first time for a COM port: WRITE_TIMEOUT with a timout value of 100.


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