Function Com_ReadMode() Foundation

Controls the Read Timeout processing characteristics of the device driver.

Com_ReadMode( <nComPortNum>, ;
              <nMode>      , ;
              [<nTimeout>]   ;  // Default: 100
            ) --> lSuccess

Returns .T. if mode can be set successfully or .F. otherwise.


Com_ReadMode() controls the Read Timeout processing characteristics of the physical device driver (PDD).

Three modes can be specified with <nMode> using #define constants from XBTCOM.CH:


Read requests will return immediately with any available data.

<nTimeOut> will be ignored.


Read request is completed after the timeout interval specified with <nTimeout> elapses if no more data has been received for the request. If any data is received by the PDD from the hardware, it waits the specified period of time for more data to arrive.

<nTimeOut> - timeout value in .01 second units (0 = .01 seconds!)


If any data is available the read request returns immediately with that data. If no data is available read requests are processed like in Normal Read Timeout mode (nMode == READ_TIMEOUT).

<nTimeOut> - timeout value in .01 second units (0 = .01 seconds!)

Default mode set when calling Com_Open() the first time for a COM port: NO_WAIT_READ_TIMEOUT


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