Function ColorWin() Foundation

Replaces a color attribute in a specified area on the screen.

ColorWin( [<nTop>]             , ;  // Type:  N   Default: 0
          [<nLeft>]            , ;  // Type:  N   Default: 0
          [<nBottom>]          , ;  // Type:  N   Default: MaxRow()
          [<nRight>]           , ;  // Type:  N   Default: MaxCol()
          [<cNewAttr|nNewAttr>], ;  // Type: CN   Default: GetClearA()
          [<cOldAttr|nOldAttr>]  ;  // Type: CN
        ) --> cNullString

The parameters for the color attributes may be specified as color strings (like "W/N") or as numeric color attributes (see ColorToN()). If <cOldAttr> is omitted all color attributes in the specified screen area are replaced.

Note: The cursor position remains unchanged when calling ColorWin().


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