Function CharXOR() Foundation

Binary XORs the ASCII codes of corresponding characters in two strings.

CharXOR( <cString1>, ;
         <cString2>  ;
       ) --> cResultString

Returns a string whose characters are the result of XORing the ASCII code of each character of the passed two strings.


Len( cString1 ) == Len( cString2 )

Each ASCII code of characters in <cString2> will be XORed with the ASCII code of the corresponding character in <cString1>.

Len( cString1 ) < Len( cString2 )

The function returns when the last character of <cString1> is reached.

Len( cString1 ) > Len( cString2 )

Once the end of <cString2> is reached the function starts with the first character of <cString2> again until the last character of <cString1> is processed.


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