Function CharRepl() Foundation

Defines characters to replace specified characters in a string.

CharRepl( <cSearchChars>   , ;
          <cString>        , ;
          <cReplaceChars>  , ;
          [<lSingleSearch>]  ;  // Default: .F.
        ) --> cResultString

Returns a string where all characters contained in <cSearchChars> are replaced with the corresponding character defined with <cReplaceChars>. If no character of <cSearchChar> is found in <cString> the string remains unchanged.


Parameter <lSingleSearch> defaults to .F. which means that each character of <cSearchChars> is searched in <cString>. If the character is found it is replaced with the corresponding character of <cReplaceChars>. If <cSearchChars> has more characters than <cReplaceChars> the last character of <cReplaceChars> is used as the corresponding character.

When <lSingleSearch> is set .T. each character of <cString> is searched in <cSearchChars>. This prevents from multiple replacements of characters in <cString>.


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