Function SocketRecvStr() Professional

Reads data from a connected socket.

SocketRecvStr( <nSocket> , ;
               <nLength> , ;
               [@<nError>] ) --> cData
This is a numeric socket descriptor identifying a connected socket.
The number of bytes to read must be specified with this parameter.
If this parameter is passed by reference to the function, it gets assigned a numeric error code when the function fails. #define constants beginning with WSAE are available in the file SOCKET.CH to identify an error condition.

The function returns a character string containing the received data. A null string ("") is returned on error.


The function reads <nLength> bytes from a connected socket, removes them from the input queue and returns the data as a character string. If less than <nLength> bytes are available, the function blocks waiting for the remainding bytes to arrive, unless the socket is in nonblocking mode.


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