Function SocketGetMessage() Professional

Retrieves a message from a socket.

SocketGetMessage( <nSocket>  , ;
                  @<nCommand>, ;
                  @<cMessage>  ) --> lSuccess
This is a numeric socket descriptor identifying a socket of type SOCK_STREAM. Datagram sockets and sockets in non-blocking mode cannot be used with this function.
If this parameter is passed by reference, it gets assigned the numeric <nCommand> value specified with SocketPutMessage().
This parameter must be passed by reference. It gets assigned the value of <cMessage> specified with SocketPutMessage().

The function returns .T. (true) if the message is received successfully, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.


SocketGetMessage() is a "high-level" socket function that is used in conjunction with SocketPutMessage(). Both functions process a combination of a numeric value <nCommand> and a message string <cMessage>which represents the payload data of a message. The <nCommand> parameter can then be used to identify a function to process received data. The value of <nCommand> is user-defined.

For security reasons, the function SocketGetMessage() cannot handle messages larger than 32 MB. The function returns the value .F. (false) in this case. This restriction is applied since Xbase++ version 2.00.1580.

Do not mix SocketPutMessage()/SocketGetMessage() calls with SocketSend()/SocketRecv().


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