Organization of Reference Items Foundation
Each statement, directive, command, function, class, and operator is an item. Items are arranged in alphabetical order by name. If there are synonyms (e.g., LastRec() and RecCount()), each item is replicated in full. Methods supported by different classes are also replicated in full, but have class-specific information added. Each item begins on a page by itself so you can easily find the item you need.
Each entry is divided into the subsections listed below. If a subsection is inappropriate for a particular item, it is omitted.
Item name and short description
Each item is listed with the name of the item followed by a short description describing the purpose or action of the item.
Syntax defines a prototypical usage of the specified item with metasymbols for user input. If the item is a function or method, it is specified followed by a return value metasymbol. See the Symbols and Conventions section below for more information on metasymbols and other special symbols used in the syntax representations.
Specifies the data type of an instance variable. Also specified is the default value after the method :init() is executed. The default value is listed as a literal value in parentheses following the data type. If a numeric constant is defined for the default value, the name of the constant is used instead of the numeric value. For values whose data type may vary with application, "ANY" is used to specify the data type. For example, "Datatype: ANY (XBP_MRESULT_NONE)" denotes an instance variable which defaults to the value of the constant "XBP_MRESULT_NONE". The value of the member variable may vary at runtime.
Attribute specifies the visibility and access attributes of a member variable. Valid attributes are EXPORTED, PROTECTED, HIDDEN and READONLY.
Scope specifies the scope of a command or function. For example, the SET BELL command has process-wide scope, whereas SET DELETED only affects the current work space of the active thread. Scopes are process-wide, thread-local, and current work space.
Super classes
Super classes lists the classes the specified item is derived from.
Parameters defines the meaning of each item parameter. Parameters are variables and/or keywords used at the invocation of an item. Parameters are sometimes also referred to as actual parameters, arguments or operands. If the item is a command, a clause is treated as a parameter. Likewise, if the item is an operator, each operand is listed as a separate parameter.
Return is a short description of the return value of a function or method. The description includes the purpose of the return value and its data type.
Description describes the basic operation and usage of the item.
Examples are code fragments illustrating the usage of the item. Examples generally serve three purposes: usage demonstration, validation of operational rules and/or return values, and illumination of a programming concept. Unless an item requires a lot of framework code in order to be usable, all code sections contain ready-to-use examples. The respective code fragment simply needs to be copied into a .PRG and compiled.
File Info
File Info is the list of files on which the current item depends. These files fall into the following categories:
- Libraries (DLLs)
- Source files
- Header files (.CH)
See also
See also is an alphabetical list of items or item groups related to the usage of the current item.
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