Command RUN Foundation

Executes an operating system command or a program.

RUN | ! <cCommandline>
<cCommandline> contains the command or expression to execute at the operating system level. It can be specified as a literal or as a character expression in parentheses.

This command exists only for compatibility reasons and should no longer be used. The two functions RunShell() and RunRexx() should be used instead.

The ! form of the command RUN also exists only for compatibility reasons and should no longer be used.

The command RUN starts a new command processor and passes the argument <cCommandline> to it. This argument is valid only for the new process and not for the process of the Xbase++ application. A typical use of RUN under DOS (Clipper) was changing the current path, for example:


This use of RUN is not possible under 32bit operating systems (Xbase++), since the path would be changed only for the new process. To define the path or the drive for the process of the Xbase++ application, the function CurDirectory() must be used.

Format a disk

// The example uses the RUN command to format a disk 
// from within an Xbase++ application 


  RUN Format a: /F:1.44 


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