Class HttpEndpoint() Professional
Class function of the HttpEndpoint class.
An object of the class HttpEndpoint serves as a connection point for incoming HTTP or WebSocket connections. The connection point is active after calling the method :start(). :start() automatically creates a new thread for listening on the port associated with the HttpEndPoint. The port number must be passed as a parameter to the method:new().
For HTTP requests with a URL referring to a local file, the HttpEndpoint loads the file from the hard drive and returns it to the connected web client. The following table lists the extensions and the corresponding MIME types of the resources which are supported by default:
Extension | MIME type |
.html | text/html |
.htm | text/html |
.gif | image/gif |
.png | image/png |
.jpg | image/jpeg jpg jpe |
.js | application/x-javascript |
.css | text/css |
.woff | font/woff |
.eot | application/ |
.otf | application/octet-stream |
.ttf | application/octet-stream |
.svg | image/svg+xml |
.json | application/json |
A web request to a resource without an extension must be handled in application code. For this, a user-defined class must be written containing the logic for handling the request. The class must have the same name as the resource which is requested, and it must be derived from a base class which corresponds to the connection type.
If the client tries to establish a websocket connection, an object of a user-defined class is created. This class must be derived from WebSocketHandler. The following URL instantiates an object from the class MyWebSocketHandler:
In case no websocket connection is to be established, an object is instantiated from a class that must be derived from the class WebHandler. The following URL instantiates an object from the class MyWebHandler, and calls the method :echo(). The parameters specified in the URL are forwarded to the handler method:
The following code fragment demonstrates the implementation of the handler that corresponds to the URL above:
CLASS MyWebHandler FROM WebHandler
METHOD MyWebHandler:echo( cParamName1 )
cHtml := ""
cHtml += "<html><title>MyWebHandler:echo() was called</title><body>"
cHtml += "Parameter cParamName1 is " + cParamName1
cHtml += "</body></html>"
In addition to plain text connections, HTTP end points also support servicing requests via the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. For this, an SSL certificate must first be installed on the computer. Once the end point is bound to this certificate, HTTP and web socket connections to this end point can be established via SSL for increased security.
The following code fragment demonstrates the general procedure:
#define PORT 443
// Create an end point for handling incoming
// connections on the default port for HTTPS
// Note: Port and address must be adjusted
// for your environment!
oHttpEndpoint := HttpEndpoint():new( PORT, "localhost" )
// Set the SSL certificate for the local computer.
// The certificate will be used for subsequent
// SSL connections.
// Note: The certificate must be adjusted
// for your environment!
oHttpEndpoint:setCertificate( "machine\my\mycomputer" )
// Start the end point
// This example creates an html file in the current directory.
// The HttpEndpoint loads the file and returns it to the
// connected client on request. If an SSL certificate is
// installed on the computer, the end point is bound to this
// certificate in order to allow clients to connect via SSL
// for increased security.
#include ""
#include ""
#define PORT 81
LOCAL oHttpEndpoint
LOCAL lStarted
// Creates a sample html file on the local drive.
IF .NOT. File( "default.html" )
cHtml := ""
cHtml += "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"
cHtml += "<h2>Greetings from: "+AppName()+"</h2>"
MemoWrit( "default.html", cHtml )
cPort := Var2Char(PORT)
? "HttpEndpoint sample."
? "With a web browser navigate to:"
? " http://localhost:"+cPort+"/default.html"
? "Press ESC to quit"
// Create an end point for handling incoming
// connections on the specified port
// Note: Requests to .html files are handled
// automatically by the Http end point!
// No code must be written for returning
// the sample .html file.
oHttpEndpoint := HttpEndpoint():new( PORT, "localhost" )
lStarted := oHttpEndpoint:start()
IF .NOT. lStarted
? "Startup error. Check if port "+cPort+" is already in use."
// Continue after the ESC key was pressed
nKey := 0
nKey := Inkey(1)
// Stop the endpoint before the application
// terminates
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