Method HttpEndpoint():setCertificate() Professional
Binds a server certificate from the Windows Certificate Store for SSL connections.
:setCertificate( [<cCertificate>] ) --> lSuccess
:setCertificate( [<cSubject>] [, <cStoreName>] [, <cLocation>] ) --> lSuccess
The logical value true (.T.), if the specified server certificate is set for SSL connections. Otherwise, the value false (.F.) is returned.
The method :setCertificate() sets a SSL certificate to be used for subsequent Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections. Once a certificate is set via :setCertificate(), clients can connect via SSL to this HTTP end point. The SSL certificate can be changed again at a later time via another call to :setCertificate(), without having to stop the HTTP end point.
The SSL certificate must be specified via the subject name, the name of the certificate store, and the location the store resides in. A certificate store can exist either in the user or in the machine context. The user context contains certificates for the current user, whereas certificates in the machine context are valid for the local machine.
:setCertificate() can be called with a location string in the <cCertificate> parameter. Alternatively, the location can be specified as individual path components via the <cSubject>, <cStoreName> and <cLocation> parameters. If no certificate is specified to :setCertificate() the method attempts to set a certificate for the local machine.
The function IsCertificateAvailable() can be used to check whether a certificate is available on the computer.
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