
Environment variables Foundation

This section lists all environment variables used by the various tools and utilities of the Xbase++ development package.

ALINK=<linker options>

This setting defines default linker options for ALINK.EXE and PBUILD.EXE. They are used in addition to linker options specified in a project file or on the command line.

COMSPEC=<name of command shell>

This setting is relevant for ARC.EXE, PBUILD.EXE and the RunShell() function. It specifies the name of the default command shell to be used when a new process is launched.


A list of directories separated with semicolons can be specified as default search path for #include files. This path is used by ARC.EXE, PBUILD.EXE and XPP.EXE.


The search path for libraries to link to executable files is required when a library is not located in the current directory. This information is used by ALINK.EXE and PBUILD.EXE


This environment variable is required for numerous tools and functions:

General search path
Used by Used for
DllLoad() locating the DLL(s) to load
EXE loader locating the executable (Exe or Dll)
PBUILD.EXE calling RunShell()
XPPDBG.EXE locating the EXE/DLL(s) to be debugged
XPPLOAD.EXE finding the path of the Xbase++ runtime DLLs


This directory is used as location for creating temporary files, e.g. when INDEX ON or DbSort() is executed. PBUILD.EXE uses it for temporary script files that remain on disk when running PBUILD.EXE with the /k option.

XPPCMDLINE=<compiler options>

This setting defines default compiler options for XPP.EXE and PBUILD.EXE. They are used in addition to compiler options specified in a project file or on the command line.


The search path for resource files is specified with this environment variable. ARC.EXE searches this path if resources are not found in the current directory.


The debugger uses this environment variable to search for source code files when they cannot be found. This is useful for debugging an application where the PRG files are located on different drives and/or directories.


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