Internet Technologies:waa

Configuring a HTTP server for WAP Professional

The HTTP server must be instructed to support WML files. This configuration differs between HTTP servers but is easily done.

Apache Server 1.3.12

Load the file \Apache\Conf\mime.types into your text editor
Search for "wap"
Add the proper file extensions for the MIME types

WAP related mime types
Defined MIME type Extension to add
image/vnd.wap.wbmp wbmp
text/vnd.wap.wml wml
text/vnd.wap.wmlscript wmls

Load the file \Apache\Conf\httpd.conf into your text editor
Specify the default index file to be returned to the user agent upon initial connection, if required:

#old: DirectoryIndex index.htm 
DirectoryIndex index.wml 


Microsoft's HTTP servers IIS (Internet Information Server) and PWS (Personal Web Services) require only to know the default WML document to search for when a mobile device accesses the server. This is done via the administration tool of the HTTP server by entering the name of the initial WML document of a WAP site to the list of default documents. It is usually INDEX.WML and must be located in the document root directory.


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