Internet Technologies:waa

The Klondike Computer Shop Professional

The Klondike Computer Shop is an example Web application consisting of two package DLLs. It gets invoked from the WAA Samples Start-up Page (INDEXEXE.HTM, INDEXISA.HTM or INDEXDLL.HTM), and it gets built in such a way that the HTTP server and the WAA server may be installed on two different computers. If you have not familiarized yourself with the example program yet, it is highly recommended to read through the different HTML pages and components before going ahead reading this tutorial. You find the following components:

A menu page offers access to different parts of the Klondike Computer Shop.
The Address entry form demonstrates how customer data can be obtained from a remote station in the Internet and stored in a local database.
The Showroom uses a local database and sends a list of records to a remote computer. This is what can be ordered in the Klondike Computer Shop.
The Order basket displays a list of selected records. This corresponds to the computers being selected in the showroom of the Klondike Computer Shop on a remote station.

The PRG source code of this tutorial is located in the ..\SAMPLES\KLONDIKE directory. The following chapters refer to PRG files in this directory when different aspects of Web application programming are discussed. You are also well advised to be familiar with the very basic concepts of the WAA as described in the chapter My first Web application.


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