Programming Tools:prgtools

Using TLB2CH.EXE Foundation


The general syntax for the call is:

Tlb2Ch.exe ProgID1 | /? [[ProgID2] ...] [/o:filename] [/t:typelib] [/l:license] 


The ProgID of each COM/ActiveX component is stored in the registry under the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. The syntax of the ProgID is:


where the last part (.Version) is optional.


Print usage information.


Further ProgIDs can be passed optionally. This is usefull when the constants of more then one COM/ActiveX component shall be defined in the same header file. In this case Tlb2Ch.exe takes care that the same define-value touble is not emitted to the output twice.


By default the output is dumped to stdout. If this option is used then a output file file is created instead.


typelib specifies the name of the Typelibrary used for creating the header file. Loading a Typelibrary is required for Com/ActiveX components that have no built in Typelibrary information. In this case an additional Typelibrary file (*.TLB) must be passed from which the required information can be extracted.


For COM/ActiveX components that require a license for creation, the license key must be passed as last parameter.


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