Programming Tools:prgtools

Online Help Foundation

The online help system plays a central role for a user in obtaining information about an application program or in searching for a particular piece of information that answers a specific question. The corresponding online help files are created using a help compiler. Under Windows, this is a program called the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop which manages HTML-based help systems and compiles HTML documents to a CHM online help file (CHM file = Compiled HtMl).

The connection between an application program and the help system is established by the two Xbase Parts XbpHelp and XbpHelpLabel. An XbpHelp object manages the online help window while an XbpHelpLabel object addresses a single page in the help system and can be used to create context sensitive help. Detailed information about XbpHelp and XbpHelpLabelobjects is found in the reference documentation of Xbase++.

Basics about Windows Help Workshops

Planning online help


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