Class XbpHelp() Foundation

Class function XbpHelp class.


The XbpHelp class provides objects that display online help files created by the help compiler. On modern Windows platforms, this is the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop (see the chapter Online Helpin the Xbase++ documentation).

An XbpHelp object manages the online help window and can activate a particular help window within the online help. This allows help text that applies only to a specific dialog element to be displayed. In conjunction with XbpHelpLabel objects context sensitive online help is created.

Differences in online help systems
Windows RTF Windows HTML
Help compiler HCW.EXE HHW.EXE
Source code extension .RTF .HTM
Compiled help file extension .HLP .CHM

Class methods
Creates an instance of the XbpHelp class.
Instance variables
Displays the online help in debug mode.
Contains the numeric ID for the help text that is displayed when the "General help F2" option of the online help menu is selected.
Contains the numeric ID for the text that is displayed when the "Keys help F9" option of the online help menu is selected.
Life cycle
Requests system resources for the XbpHelp object.
Reconfigures the XbpHelp object.
Releases the system resources of the XbpHelp object.
Closes the online help window.
OS/2 - Displays the help window containing the General help text.
Displays the specified help window of the online help.
Displays the table of contents of the online help.
Displays the index of the online help.
OS/2 - Displays the help window containing help text for common key assignments used in the application.
Activate online help under Windows
// A comprehensive example for a Windows online help project 
// is found in the ..\SAMPLES\BASICS directory. It includes 
// PRG source code, project file (HHP file), table of contents 
// (HHC file), index (HHK file) and HTML sources. 

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