Database Engines:odbc

ODBC data types Professional

The ODBCDBE supports numerous data types that may be available in data sources accessible via the ODBC 3.0 standard. Which data types are present in a table depends on the data source and/or the table definition, or table structure. A description of the data types recognized by the ODBCDBE is given in the following table.

Supported ODBC data types
ODBC-type Description
SQL_BIGINT Exact numeric value without decimal places Range: signed -2^63 to 2^63-1, unsigned 0 to 2^64-1
SQL_BINARY Binary data of fixed length.
SQL_BIT Single bit value.
SQL_CHAR Character data of fixed length.
SQL_DECIMAL Signed exact numeric value with fixed number of decimal places.
SQL_DOUBLE Signed approximate numeric value with variable number of decimal places. Range: +- 10^-308 to 10^308.
SQL_FLOAT Signed approximate numeric value with variable number of decimal places. Range depends on field length.
SQL_GUID Globally unique identifier of fixed length. Format: ABCDEFGH-IJKL-MNOP-QRST-UVWXYZ012345
SQL_INTEGER Exact numeric value without decimal places. Range: signed -2^31 to 2^31-1, unsigned 0 to 2^32-1.
SQL_LONGVARBINARY Binary data of variable length. The maximum length is data source dependent.
SQL_LONGVARCHAR Character data of variable length. The maximum length is data source dependent.
SQL_NUMERIC Signed exact numeric value with fixed number of decimal places.
SQL_REAL Signed approximate numeric value with variable number of decimal places. Range: +- 10^-38 to 10^38.
SQL_SMALLINT Exact numeric value without decimal places Range: signed -2^15 to 2^15-1, unsigned 0 to 2^16-1.
SQL_TIME Time value. Format: HHMMSS.
SQL_TINYINT Exact numeric value without decimal places Range: signed -2^7 to 2^7-1, unsigned 0 to 2^8-1.
SQL_TIMESTAMP Combined date and time value Format is: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSssssssss with ssssssss being fractions of a second.
SQL_VARBINARY Binary data of variable length and fixed maximum length.
SQL_VARCHAR Character data of variable length and fixed maximum length.
SQL_WCHAR Wide character data (unicode) of fixed length.
SQL_WLONGVARCHAR wide character data (unicode) of variable length. The maximum length is data source dependent.
SQL_WVARCHAR Wide character data (unicode) of variable length and fixed maximum length.

The SQL_* #define constants in the left column are taken from the ODBC 3.0 SDK. They are used as generic identifiers for data types supported by a data source. When a database is inspected using the database administration tool included in the software providing the data source, the symbolic names of supported data types may differ from the SQL_* constants.

Length of numeric fields

The length of numeric fields exposed by a database administration tool for a SQL DBMS usually does not account for a +- sign and the decimal point. This means that a numeric field displayed as (SQL_NUMERIC,2,0) in the administration tool would be represented in Xbase++ by (N,3,0), since the minus sign is included in the field length. Likewise, a numeric field displayed as (SQL_NUMERIC,4,2) is represented in Xbase++ by (N,6,2). In this case, the minus sign and the decimal point are accounted for in the field length.


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