Method XbpHelpLabel():new() Foundation

Creates an instance of the XbpHelpLabel class.

XbpHelpLabel():new( [<cnRefID>] ) --> oXbpHelpLabel
<cnRefID> is an optional parameter which is assigned to the instance variable :helpID.
OS/2 IPF help: <cnRefID> is either a numeric ID for a heading tag in the online help source code (attribute res= in the IPF file), or a character expression that is the symbolic ID of the heading tag (attribute refid= in the IPF file).
Windows HTML help: <cnRefID> is a character string specifying the name of the HTML file which contains the text for the help window.
Windows RTF help: <cName> is the symbolic name of a help window as defined in the RTF source code with #{\footnote <cnRefID>}. If a numeric ID is used for <cnRefID>, it must be mapped to the symbolic name of the help window as it appears the footnote definition in the RTF source file. Mapping of numeric IDs is done in the [MAP] section of the help project file (HPJ file).

The class method :new() returns an XbpHelpLabel object.


The numeric or symbolic ID of the help text can be specified when the XbpHelpLabel object is created. This help text is displayed after the help label object is activated. If <cnRefID> is not specified, the online help displays the table of contents when it is activated.


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