Method WebSocketClient():new() Professional

Creates an instance of the WebSocketClient class

:new( <cServerName> ,[<cTarget>] ,[<nPort>], [<cClientName>] ) --> self
This parameter is a character string containing the DNS name or the IP address of the server the client wants to connect to.
The optional parameter cTarget is a character string specifying the resource name requested from the server. If no argument was passed then cTarget defaults to an empty string ("").
The optional parameter nPort is a numeric value specifying the server port the client is connecting to. If no argument was passed then nPort defaults to 80.
The optional parameter cClientName is a character string specifying the hostname from which the client is connecting to the server. If no argument was passed then cClientName defaults to the environment variable COMPUTERNAME.

This method returns an instance of the WebSocketClient class.


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