Method HttpClient():setProxy() Foundation

Enables the connection via a proxy server.

:setProxy( [<cProxyName>], [<cProxyByPass>], [<cUserName>], [<cPassword>] ) --> self
A character string with the name (URL) of the proxy server. The parameter is optional. If it is omitted, an existing proxy definition is reset. In this case, all subsequent parameters are ignored.
A character string with a semicolon delimited list of host names or IP addresses not to be routed through the proxy.
A character string with the name of the user to be authenticated on the proxy server. The user name is used only in the context of the proxy. It is not passed on to the HTTP server. If <cUserName> is omitted, no user authentication is performed.
A character string with the password of the user specified in <cUserName>. The password may be omitted if no user name is given. If a user is specified, the <cPassword> parameter becomes mandatory.

:setProxy() returns the object executing the method.


The method :setProxy() enables the connection via a proxy server. A proxy server acts as an intermediate (either on behalf of the server or the client), for example, for caching purposes.


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