Method DllCallback():execute() Foundation

The callback to be executed by the Dll function.

:execute( [<xParameter1>, ...] ) --> xReturn
A parameter that is passed to the callback by the DLL function. The parameter value and data type depends on the DLL function being executed by DLLExecuteCall(). More than one parameter may be expected by the callback. In this case, subsequent parameters must be specified in the parameter list, separated by a comma.

The data type of every parameter must be defined when the callback object is created. See the :new()method for further information.


An arbitrary value returned by the callback. Data type and value depend on the DLL function that is executed.

The data type of the return parameter must be defined when the callback object is created. See the :new() method for further information.


The :execute() method defines the code to be executed when the callback is called by the DLL function. The method is only executed when no function is specified when creating the callback object, that is, when the <cFunctionName> parameter to the :new() method contains the value NIL.

The :execute() method in the DllCallback class does nothing. Instead, :execute() is intended to be overriden in user-defined classes derived from DllCallback.


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