Method WMLDeck():newCard() Professional
Create a WMLCard object.
:newCard( [<cTitle>] , ;
[<cCardID>] , ;
[<lNewContext>], ;
[<cOptions>] ) --> oWMLCard
The method returns a new instance of the class WMLCard
This method creates a new WMLCard object and inserts a <card> tag into the WML code. All parameters are optional. If the card ID is not specified, it is created from the ordinal position of the new card in the card-deck (e.g: id="card1", id="card2", id="card3", etc.)
WML output:
<card id="[cCardID]" [title="cTitle]"
[newcontext="true"] [cOptions]>
[... WML code created by WMLCard object ...]
PRG example:
oWMLCard := oWMLDeck:newCard( "Login" )
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